21 April 24 19H47
Climate: The Movie (The Half-Truth) alias Big Lie
The closer one gets to the truth, the bigger the lie becomes, because many blindly accept the whole thing!
Once again, the entire controlled opposition is behind this film, claiming that everyone should watch it!
And again, one must believe in the millions of years of fictional, pseudo-scientific, unproven theory of time reckoning. And the sacred racist, eugenic theory of evolution to universe and galaxies.
Ultimately, all true pollution is simply ignored. And even worse, they claim that the whole world needs plastic and cars, which only benefits the petrol industry, making it clear who is behind the entire film.
Many American Republicans are fully invested in the oil industry and only have an interest in having the whole "anti-climate movement" behind them!
Once again, "close to the truth" is half-truth, but complete lie!
And to claim "oh, people are not ready for the whole truth"! What an arrogant example of nonsense! Firstly, who are we to say who is ready for what? And secondly, are WE then ready to withhold the truth and lie?
No, it is simply still believing in the slave mentality "to have specialists and scientists" behind their theory "to think to have more arguments, but one will only spread the same system illusion again and again!
the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmfRG8-RHEI
link below is our video on the subject: Climate Hysteria CULT ural Revolution to Depopulation

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