TAG: Law
Ob UN, NATO, G7, G21, G40 ist alles eine Internationale MAFIA und nicht das, was sie vorgeben zu sein! Wir haben: Meh...
8,993 ► Views • 3 Year
Like the Fundamental Law (Bill of Rights) and Human Rights, they are only for the privileged! They are privileges and no...
5,878 ► Views • 3 Year
Many try again and again in vain to use these human rights, others are amazed that they “are not respected” and stil...
5,302 ► Views • 3 Year
We have learned to read and write but never what the words really mean, where they come from and what their real consequ...
2,821 ► Views • 3 Year
Legal or legal fiction is the sophisticated vampire dead cult ritual of today's society obscured by pagan satanic ritual...
5,792 ► Views • 4 Year
Through the legal name we were legally and literarily torn from the family, beheaded, declared as mentally incapable bli...
7,965 ► Views • 4 Year
Nobody has authority over our life! Any attempt against our will to take life energy from us is a murder attempt! Bu...
5,948 ► Views • 4 Year
An “exceptional situation” means WAR! And governments everywhere have made it clear “IT'S WAR”! And in the ...
5,865 ► Views • 4 Year
4,034 ► Views • 5 Year
Patents, Copyright and Intellectual Property is way more than most people even thought of. Beyond the patents who are...
4,939 ► Views • 5 Year
Here is the whole video: Protests lead to Revolution and World Order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKu6fVz39FU Ma...
3,029 ► Views • 5 Year
Conspiracy is no longer a valid argument! Conspiring means breathing together. In this sense, everything that is plan...
6,734 ► Views • 5 Year
More and more protests Worldwide and more and more protesters calling for Revolution, without realizing where revolution...
5,243 ► Views • 5 Year
This video contain the big picture of the relation between Words, Grammar, Languages, Symbols and "LAW"!
9,800 ► Views • 8 Year
Law is only the Name they gave to the Codes and Status written in the constitution. But is not "Real" LAW! Law is somet...
1,952 ► Views • 11 Year
The NAME is the Mark of the Beast and is not OUR Name. Identification is only for a death. Person is only the actor in ...
5,334 ► Views • 11 Year

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