What we are facing is the tyranny of the good hearted people who’s mind got twisted so they will manipulated themselves into fear, panic and hysteria and follow all rules of the government. The same government who bullied them, stolen everything, make them work always more for less, the same who add all the time ned taxes, restriction and everything get more expensive and still they blindly trust this same government!
This is called Stockholm Syndrom.
The same someone who is locked down, raped, violated … still can all in love with the only one who provide them with the little necessary because this is all they have. When the will is broken down people will follow all instructions and think, feel, say and do what they get told!
This reversed psychology, is the technic uses to achieve this total submission and surrender of all will.
But as soon people hear “manipulation” they always think, someone is manipulating consciously and and aware of his intentions! But this, in fact is only very few times the case! Most of the time people manipulate unconsciously and with the thought of “doing good”!
Pointing one finger just direct 3 finger in our own direction!
If we take side in the game, we get caught in the game and we are not the ones who made the rules!
Here the song link to the song at the end of the video:
Moonraisers - Divide Us

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