When governments encounter opposition, they always try to direct it, infiltrate it, finance it, manipulate it and use it for political or commercial purposes!
Instead of throwing fuel on the fire in all the emotional editorial chaos, we will approach it from strategic points of view; be it political, military or commercial!
Make up your own mind while trying to look at the issues from a different perspective!
Israel leaves GAZA in 2005, while at the same time HAMAS takes more and more power?
Who is really behind HAMAS?
Who finances, supplies and supports HAMAS?
HAMAS does nothing for the people of Palestine, but on the contrary, only brings more and more problems and suffering!
The AI-controlled super high-tech IRON DOME received a lot of publicity during the last attack when it is known that the market for active protection systems was estimated to be worth $3.6 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $4.8 billion by 2025, a CAGR of 4.9% during this period.
(These are the assumed numbers, not the numbers in the article we showed in this video which has an error regarding its amounts!).
Palestine is being abused in many ways, but it is clear that it is primarily being used as a "war material testing site"!
Links from the video: https://www.babylondecoded.com/?module=dcode&cd=2021-05-27

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