What could CERN, Third temple, Great Reset, Transhumanism, Prince William, Jesuits, Aladdin, Golden Age have in common with Antichrist, Apocalypse, Revelation and End time?
Many think the end time is just a religious fantasy!
But the ones who look closer, will see that is actually in everything!
Science, finance, geopolitic, governments and people all over the world, heading straight towards a kind of “apocalyptic” end game, reset, revelation, but one and the same end time scenario!
00:00 Intro
13:23 Illusion of immortality
19:18 Illusion of apocalypse
20:50 Is Life the Antichrist?
28:19 Babylonian Pagan Sun Cult
31:05 Fairy Tale: Bible
37:44 Pope, Ruler of the World and GOD
46:15 The Military Order of Jesuits
48:48 The Invention of the Jewish people and Religion
59:00 Rosicrucians and Freemasonry
01:08:47 Deception of Revelation to Eternal Life
01:12:51 Jerusalem, Third Temple, Temple Mount
01:28:58 The Illusion of THE TEMPLE
01:32:57 Digital Government
01:57:56 CERN Quantum A.I. NWO President?
02:19:32 Klaus Schwab MEIN RESET 4th REICH?
02:21:51 Prince William the LAST KING and Antichrist?
02:30:51 Summary
02:33:53 LIFE never give up

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